TEA Governance Structure

  • The TEA community is governed by a DAO management structure.

  • The TEA Project DAO encourages decentralized decision making through granting voting rights to locked T tokens.

  • All decisions are made by the DAO solely through voting.

TEA and CML are not governance tokens. The following types of ecosystem participants who stake TEA earn votable reputation tokens:

  • Miners (state maintainers and CML miners who pay the state subscription fee).

  • TApp devs (who pay the memory tax).

  • Investors (who lock their TEA into either TApp or CML bonding curves).

Note that CML miners who don't pay a state subscription fee will still earn voting privileges based on their own investment in their CML token.

Each of the above class of users earn reputation tokens that they can use to vote (spend) on governance issues.

More info is available here: https://github.com/tearust/teaproject/discussions/130

Last updated