User's manual

System "out-of-box" TApps:

Community build "commercial" TApps

  • TEA Party - A zoom-like peer to peer video conferencing app that supports payment channel

Airdrop game

TApplication on Web and Mobile

TEA Applications, abbreviated as TApps, feature a user interface akin to conventional Web Apps. They can operate on both computer web browsers and the Metamask browser on mobile phones. While both the PC web and mobile web execute the same logic, the mobile version is customized to suit the smaller screen size. Consequently, you may need additional clicks for more details to be expanded.

** Running TApps with Metamask on Your Mobile Phone**

To run TApps on your smartphone, you must first install Metamask. While TApps can be loaded on a regular mobile web browser, the Metamask browser is currently the most stable option when your digital signature is required for login or payment. This stability is attributed to Metamask's built-in browser, where the TApp runs seamlessly, eliminating the need to switch to another mobile app for signature purposes. You are welcome to use any mobile browser to launch TApps, but if you encounter issues with Metamask signature, consider using the Metamask app instead.

UI size comparison

Comparison of PC Web and Mobile UI

The PC Web interface (on the left) provides more detailed information compared to the mobile web interface (on the right). Users may need to click on a specific row to access additional detailed information.

Metamask signature comparison

On a PC, Metamask functions as a browser extension. When a TApp requires a user to sign a transaction, the Metamask extension will pop up. On mobile, the browser is a window within the Metamask app. To use a TApp, you must click the browser icon to switch to the browser window and then launch the TApp inside. When the TApp prompts the user to sign a transaction, Metamask will switch to the wallet window to complete the signing process.

Entry point: Alpha is testnet, Beta is mainnet

  • is Alpha testnet entry point URL

  • is the mainnet entry point URL.

Why beta? is NOT a testnet; it is the mainnet for the TEA Project. The usage of the domain name "beta" reflects the early stage of the TEA Project mainnet. The TEA Project core team is actively addressing bugs and implementing frequent improvements during this phase. Throughout this period, the TEA core team will manage all state machine nodes to facilitate fast and consistent upgrades. The profits generated by the state machine nodes are handled by SEAT owners, not the core team. We anticipate running under the "beta" domain for approximately 2 years. Once the system achieves stability and is deemed suitable for public use, the "beta" designation will be removed from the domain name.

Regardless of its label as "beta" or "not a beta," it functions as the mainnet, and all tokens on Beta are indeed real.

In the TEA Project, connecting to the Web 3 world requires selecting a hosting node as your designated gateway, distinguishing it from the conventional Web 2 approach.

** How can I select a hosting node? **:

Regardless of the hosting node you choose, you can expect nearly identical user experiences, as only those passing the remote attestation are featured on the list—ensuring security and reliability.

However, each node may vary in performance and capability. Note the market cap column in the table, akin to the valuation of a publicly listed company (in this case, the node). Typically, nodes with superior performance garner higher profits, attracting more investors and thus achieving a higher market cap. The hosting list table is organized based on market cap rankings.

If you have no specific preferences, opting for the top-ranked hosting nodes should suffice.

Upon connecting to a hosting node, your gas fee becomes its revenue. The current billing model measures gas fees solely based on the consumption of executing code, irrespective of the hosting node. This model may evolve in the future to distribute workload based on available free memory or CPU usage.

Every row in this table represents a hosting node provided by a TEA miner. When you click and connect to a hosting node, you will be redirected to the TEA mini-runtime service running on that specific node. You may observe that the URL has changed in your browser's address bar.

The IP address corresponds to the hosting node, while the lengthy hash in the screenshot, depicted as mey32oBSYMPPjxYjeSCDwZsFM3m9SWodq25pLa9gy9cji, is referred to as CID (Content ID) in the IPFS protocol. This CID represents the current hash of the TAppStore application's front-end code. It's important to note that this CID may change whenever the TAppStore undergoes an update.

Common Login Features in Most TApps

While each TApp has its unique characteristics, many share common features like login/logout.

Before login

If you are not logged in, the circled icon will appear as a login icon. The icon displayed on the header bar represents the current Metamask address/account connected to this page. To learn more about the Metamask connect feature, refer to Metamask connect.

Check auth list and sign

Click on the login icon to review all necessary authentication steps. If you agree with all requested authorizations, proceed to sign this login transaction using Metamask's sign button. For more information about requested authorizations, refer to TApp authorizations.

Note: Alpha testnet has moved layer 1 to ETH Sepolia testnet from Goerli testnet. Beta mainnet uses ETH mainnet. Please double check your network selection. The screenshot was captured using Goerli testnet.

After log in

Upon successful login, you will observe that the icon has changed to your wallet icon.

Switching between tabs

Last updated