TEA Project Example Use Cases

Peer to peer WebRTC apps with payment channel

WebRTC is widely used in video conferencing apps similar to Zoom. A true peer-to-peer application doesn't require a server end. All code is running on the client/browser of both ends. In ideal cases, direct network connection between both ends transfer video/audio data without any middle man in between. This type of apps, usually called P2P apps, is a typical Web3 application because the natural decentralized topology and censorship resilience.

However, due to the lack of a central server, financial transactions between involved parties become a pickle. Traditional blockchain can technically solve this issue but at very high cost. TEA Project has a built-in payment channel feature similar to BTC's layer-2 lightning network algorithm. Both parties can setup a payment channel before a video conference call, then exchange payment information during the call. When the call is over, a settlement will be completed. Only very few TEA transactions are needed and at a very low cost.

If we consider blockchain as layer-1, the TEA project as the layer-2 on blockchain, we may call the payment channel as layer-3.

TEA Party is the example app to demonstrate this feature.

TEA Party allows a host(who create a video chat room, such as a teacher in classroom), get paid per minute by the guests(who are invited by the host via a shared URL link, such as students). There is no central server between host and guests. No matter how long the video chat does, there will be only two (or maybe three) payment transactions sent to the TEA Project network at the beginning and ending. Every minute (depending on cost structure set by the host) both host and guests exchange signed payment confirmation messages through the peer to peer network directly. The payment channel algorithm protect both sides from irresponsible behavior or incidentally network disconnection.

TEA Party's payment can be bi-directional. That means either guests pay the host (e.g., the host is a online school teacher), or the host pay the guests(e.g., the host is making a commercial presentation).

WebRTC is not limited to video/audio signal, all online collaborative applications can be done the same way.

There are a lot of WebRTC based peer-to-peer applications online already. But why we did not feel they are popular? One major reason is hard to get profitable without having a running centralized server to collect money. With the help of TEA Project, most of them can be migrated to TEA Project platform benefiting from the tokenomics.

Realtime games with token incentive

Realtime multiplayers games (e.g., the first and most famous Agar.io) are popular because of their simplicity, convenience, and low cost. They even have a name for this type of games - they are called "IO games".

Most of these games follow the Web2 era business model: In-app-Ads. Why do not we apply Blockchain era's Play-to-earn model to these already popular games? One of the biggest challenges is that blockchains or even advanced layer-2 solutions can hardly handle constant game state change in realtime, at least when under a reasonable cost constraint. Another naive idea is to convert those realtime multiplayers game to peer-to-peer game, so that one of peers acts as "host" that run the so-called-server code while other peers join as guest peers. This idea can partially solve the blockchain cost problem by submitting a combined transaction at much less frequency. However, when there is real financial incentive, trust of the host peer would become a new challenge. It is too easy for the host to cheat other players for profit, and other players would never know.

TEA Project has a perfect solution on this. The so-called server logic runs in the hardware enclave inside TEA Project host nodes. All TEA Projects mining nodes will use Remote Attestation to guarantee the game logic to be alter free.

TEA Project's built-in tokenomics can also integrate in bonding curve and lightning network features to the game at no additional cost.

Migrating existing IO games to TEA Project is nothing but rewriting into WebAssembly on the server side. Because of the billing system, the game developers no longer concern about setting up server in the cloud or paying for the rent. The new Web3 style tokenomics allow miners to charge gas fee from players directly.

CBDC cross-border payment and exchange

Confidential computing

The TEA Project aims to disrupt the world of cloud computing by enabling decentralized apps to run on the blockchain at cloud computing speeds. As we no longer have the cloud servers of web 2.0, we must incentivize miners to provide the underlying infrastructure. IPFS is the actual storage infrastructure for storing both encrypted app and client data, which miners will host within their protected enclaves when their node is selected for a task.

Let's examine the economic incentives for a hypothetical Tensorflow image recognition TApp running on the TEA network:

  • The developer uploads their Tensorflow image recognition analysis TApp to IPFS.

  • A photographer uploads their pictures to IPFS.

  • A researcher wants to use the developer's TApp with the photographer's pictures.

  • A random miner is selected to host the Tensorflow TApp and the pictures within the protected enclave of their mining machine.

In economic terms, the researcher pays to use the TApp. The payment flows through the miner who provided the node to perform the secure and private calculation, the photographer who is paid for the use of their pictures, and the developer who is paid for the usage of their code. Every transaction enriches a wide variety of participants in the TEA ecosystem and helps sustain and incentivize further usage.

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